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Let's simplify solar

Here's an interactive diagram - just scroll down to know the flow of electricity

 In day hours, system generates electricity as per its capacity, which is fed into the load. When the load is more than limit, the system draws extra electricity from grid. In absence of day light, the system draws electricity from grid supply. If consumption is less than the installed capacity, the unused solar electricity is fed back to the grid. GRID P O WER C ONTRIBUTION 0 W T O T AL P O WER C ONSUMPTION 0 W ELECTRICITY FED BA CK T O GRID 4000 W SOLAR P O WER C ONTRIBUTION 0 W In day hours, system gene r ates electricity as per its capacit y , which is fed into the load. If gene r ation is less than the installed capacit y , the unused solar electricity is fed back to the grid. SOLAR PANELS Total Capacity: 4000W WASHING MACHINE Typical consumption: 1000W INVERTER Converts DC electricity generated from solar panels to AC. AC Distribution Box Contains surge protection device and miniature circuit breaker. SOLAR METER Keeps the record of energygenerated by panels that is fed into the load. REFRIGERATOR Typical consumption: 500W ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM Typical consumption:200W MICROWAVE OVEN Typical consumption: 1500W AIR CONDITIONER Typical consumption: 1500W NET METER A bi-directional meter that records energy consumed by your building and energy injected by your system into the grid.

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