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Solar Parks
Total No. of Projects: 38
Commissioned projects: 78.47MW
On-Process Projects: 48 MW
Solar Parks Grid connected power plants
We have used interdisciplinary approach in crafting robust, functional and engaging power plants that delights and delivers results. We believe in results and we combine knowledge with application to deliver results that assure secured returns on investments.
It includes our step wise approach towards building a plant, government policies and target..know more
Investment Options
Your source of revenue, investment models and why solar investment is safer bet than others..know more
Project Portfolio
Here’s a list of projects which are commissioned and under progress..know more
Services Offered
Our team is capable of executing project end to end – from planning to commissioning..know more
Grid Connected Solar PV Plants
75 MW, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh
55 MW Commissioned. Another 20 MW will be commissioned by Sept 2017
5 MW, Bajak, bhatinda Village, Punjab
8.1 MW, Uttrakhand
4 MW Hydro Project on Ken River, M.P
4 MW MOU has been signed with Madhya Pradesh State Government
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Rooftop Solar
Total No. of Projects: 32
Commissioned projects: 6.947 MW
On-Process Projects: 3.04 MW
Rooftop Solar Be an independent power producer
Solar energy is present everywhere in abundance, and is more than enough to illuminate the whole earth. At Vivaan Solar, we assess your energy requirement, identify system components needed and integrate the whole components to generate the optimum output. So, let’s begin with its working, your bill and savings, time it takes to install and your apayback period:
Business Owners
A simple interactive diagram to make you understand - how the solar rooftop works..know more
Home owners/Residential
A smart and elegant Solar power solution for your home can offer lots of advantages...know more
Home builders
Whether you have already built the community or it is in construction phase...know more
Solar Pumping Solution
Solar powered water pumping solutions can reduce or eliminate the significant amounts of time and effort spent collecting water, often across vast distances. . Vivaan Solar provides reliable, low-maintenance; economical and eco-friendly water solutions powered exclusively by solar energy to the areas where traditional systems fail or simply cannot reach. Know more
Solar Street Light Solutions
The sun is an in-exhaustive, reliable, non-polluting source of power. Solar powered outdoor lighting products are ideal for lighting the area in remote locations where the electricity is unavailable or erratic. Even in urban areas, Know more