Solar powered water pumping solutions can reduce or eliminate the significant amounts of time and effort spent collecting water, often across vast distances. Water can be piped to the village centre for greater convenience. Vivaan Solar provides reliable, low-maintenance; economical and eco-friendly water solutions powered exclusively by solar energy to the areas where traditional systems fail or simply cannot reach.
- 11626 Solar Water Pumps Installed as on 31st March 2014
- Govt. target 1,000,000 pumps till 2021
Some State Policies:
(A) Rajasthan: 86% subsidy to horticulture farmers.
(B) Capital Subsidy of 90% of benchmark cost is available in states - Uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Sikkim, North East.
C) The capital subsidy scheme can be availed through accredited MNRE channel partner.

Vivaan Solar is an accredited MNRE channel partner for solar pumping solutions
Project Undertaken by Vivaan Solar
Project Rooftop Mathura, U.P.
Project Capacity: 15 KW
Location: Mathura, U.P. -
What’s new
First time in India, Japanese CIS Frontier technology solar panels were installed on rooftop to power up a 15KW water pump used for irrigation purpose.
This project is first solar rooftop in Mathura used for irrigation purpose