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Solar Plant Installation For Building
Whether you have already built the community or it is in construction phase, being solar can always add up a new attraction to your community. With rising population, escalating electricity tariff and frequent power shedding, going solar for builder owners is now become indispensable.
Here are some of the reasons why you should go solar-
(a) Hikes up real estate value
(b) Sells faster
(c) Self sustainability of building
(d) Brings energy independence
(e) Demonstrates environmental consciousness

Save money with solar
It's a proven fact that buildings with solar sell faster than building without solar. Going solar can lock-in your potential savings from rising electricity and solar energy plan. Learn More
Go solar with convenience
Solar may seems costly @ first but with our flexible payment options, going solar can be easy. You can offer solar power systems and upgrade your communities @ no cost to you. Vivaan solar has payments options where you can install solar power systems @ your buildings at zero/low upfront cost.
Also, our team has experience to handle solar projects from start to end, including all permits and inspections. Look @ Why chose Vivaan and our financing options.