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The illustration represents the working mechanism of a solar rooftop powered system with integrated net metering.
In the example, we are using a 4KW (4000W) system.
Just tap on any electrical appliance to turn it On or Off.
The DC electricity generated by Solar Panels is fed into smart inverter which converts it to AC electricity. Depending upon the load connected, circuits within smart inverters feed power automatically switching from one another – Solar PV array and Grid.
Bidirectional Meter charges only for “net” units consumed by your building. It credits you back for the additional generation of power. In daylight, the system generates electricity as per its capacity, which is used by the house. If the total consumption of the house is less than the installed solar panel capacity, the extra electricity is fed back to grid. The user gets energy cash credits for electricity fed by his system into the grid.
If the total consumption of the house is more than the installed solar capacity, the system draws extra required electricity from grid.
At night, when the system is unable to generate power, it draws electricity from grid.

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