Solar Power

Kadodiya solar park is the crown jewel of Vivaan Solar, a solar power company headquartered in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh India. The plan to set up kadodiya solar park with the objective to utilize the ‘clean’ and ‘green’ solar power to generate electricity, was mooted in minds of two friends Amit […]

Kadodiya Solar Park – An Idea

The mounting of solar panels solely depends on the location where solar panels are going to be installed. Generally, solar photovoltaic panels are mounted on the rooftops using metal frames and bolts, that removes the need for additional structure to support solar panels. However, in some cases, a building’s roof […]

Ground-Mounted Solar Panels

Innovations in technology is helping in increased usage of solar energy, as the potential of solar power is endless. Innovations are making solar energy more accessible, cheaper, powerful and effective than costly polluting fossil fuels like oil, natural gas, coal. The huge increase in adoption solar power has resulted price […]

Top Solar Power Technology Innovations in 2016

With the steadily rising demand for electrical power, high price of oil and growing concern for environment, many businesses are opting for alternative energy resources. Among the alternative or renewable energy sources, solar energy is the best choice that can be used in variety of applications. Many businesses are tapping […]

Top 15 Benefits of Commercial Solar Power

Recently, Vivaan Solar associated with Marketing Event in IIT Delhi: Mark-e-diction 2016. The event was held in Feb 18, 19 and 20th at the IIT Delhi campus. The event was highly successful and was well organised. However, the preparation and selection of teams started much before that More than 150 […]

Marketing event with IIT Delhi

An Idea The idea to establish Vivaan Solar was spearheaded by Mr.Amit Bansal, and Mr. Mudit Garg. After gathering years of work experience both of them being friends and alumnus from VTU Karnataka and even sharing a common passion in entrepreneurship; stepped together to focus on their passion and followed […]

An Idea that became Vivaan Solar